Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ninja Attack

At the beginning of this video, there is one ninja sitting in a tree with a very colorful background. But then, suddenly, he springs. Using his blue fans, he flings what looks to be like spikes. However, as they are released, they turn into long, twisty strings of color. There are random things flying everywhere, such as fish. The ninja seems to be chasing a human, robot combination looking thing, that seems to be in some sort of space suit. As they run chasing each other, they look to be in a sort of video game. Locations flip back and forth and change in an instant. Then, suddenly, BANG! Everything goes black.

DJ Uppercut : The Attack of Ninja from Shane Lester on Vimeo.


The people of Darfur are in desperate need of your help. A genocide has falling upon the people of Darfur. Thousands are killed each day. Even though we can't send our troops to help, we can send money over to the victims, that are in need of our generosity. To learn more about whats happening in Darfur, go to
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fed-Ex and UPS: Who Will Win?

Usually when think of a package being brought to you house, you wouldn't take much thought into how it got there. However for those who do, they realize that UPS and Fed-Ex are in a never ending battle to be on top. In this video, UPS and Fed-Ex are represented by people in brown suits and people in purple, white, and orange suits. To them, delivering the package is not only a race, but a chance to see, who is the fastest, and who will get the package first as well. To me, the whole process seemed kind of like a huge game of football, combined with a small dose of that childhood game that we all used to play, monkey in the middle. As they fly through space, they both seem to have an equal opportunity at winning the battle. However as the race nears an end, the viewer can now see that UPS is destined to be the conquerer. Although that, as we find out, is not true. As the two try to regain the control of the package at the front doorsteps of the packages owner, something peculiar happens. The package has grown four legs, white legs. You can also see that inside the package, this thing has glowing eyes. UPS notices right away, however as Fed-Ex is still fighting him, he has to turn Fed-Ex's head upsidown so that he can see what has happened to the package they tried so hard to deliver. As they both start to reach for the package, it runs inside through the doggy-door. To me, niether of them winning seemed like a message meant to say something to both of those shipping companies. And the message is this; no matter how much you think that your company is better than the other one in some way, it's not. You are both the same, in every way.

Galactic Mail from Asterokid on Vimeo.