Monday, January 24, 2011

Second Wind

In this video, the two main characters are an old man, and a giant cat. They seem to be best friends, and they travel everywhere together. With them, they carry a soccer ball. The old man kicks it, and the giant cat uses his breath to blow it back to the old man. However, at one point the cat blows too hard and the ball goes into a dark, cave-like thing. The old man goes into the cave to retrieve the ball, and comes across something that looks like a windmill. when he picks the ball up, he sees a small, glowing, blue thing behind it, with big glowing eyes and a windmill looking thing on his back. At first, the old man is scared of this thing, but then they become friends. However, as the giant cant walks in, he becomes jealous that the old man is playing with the blue thing instead of him, an he pops the soccer ball and kills the blue thing. As soon as the cat kills the blue thing, the windmill looking thing glows red, and is about to kill him. But the old man sees this and stands in front of the windmill looking thing and saccrifices himself for the cat. The cat is so upset, that he destroys the windmill thing. Something unusuall happens to the old man after that. He grows a windmill thing on his back, and comes back to life whenever the windmill thing is moving. They are so happy to be back with each other. This was a very touching story that was very well made and entertaining.

Second Wind from Ian Worrel on Vimeo.


  1. Great description of the story! I think that your sentences are wonderful, but there are a couple things that I would like to note.
    I think that your sentences are abrupt because you're writing about the story. What I'm saying is that you're not writing about what the "theme" is, what the author's message is, or what the author is secretly hinting at. Instead of writing your own opinion of the story, you're writing about the story. What you need to do is simply take a few minutes with the hard to find "secret messages" or "hints" that the creator of this video has. My suggestion is to start with the title: how does the title suggest something? How does "Second Wind" relate to how the old man was able to live again? If you can find these small questions and find profound answers, your writing will be a dozen times better. :)

  2. i love your discriptive language it almost was like remmbering the video clip.
